
How we made the Asan cup - Asan India

How we made the Asan cup

Read to know the journey of how we engineered the Asan menstrual cup.

How we made the Asan cup

Read to know the journey of how we engineered the Asan menstrual cup.

Can a virgin use a menstrual cup? - Asan India

Can a virgin use a menstrual cup?

Everything about whether virgins can use menstrual cups

Can a virgin use a menstrual cup?

Everything about whether virgins can use menstrual cups

First time trying Asan cup: Trinity, 17-year-old teenager's experience - Asan India

First time trying Asan cup: Trinity, 17-year-old teenager's experience

Read about Trinity, a 17-year-old teenager's experience using the Asan cup for the first time. 

First time trying Asan cup: Trinity, 17-year-old teenager's experience

Read about Trinity, a 17-year-old teenager's experience using the Asan cup for the first time. 

Menstrual cups and endometriosis - Asan India

Menstrual cups and endometriosis

Learn everything you need to know about using a menstrual cup with endometriosis.

Menstrual cups and endometriosis

Learn everything you need to know about using a menstrual cup with endometriosis.

How Asan is ending period poverty across 36 villages in Karnataka - Asan India

How Asan is ending period poverty across 36 villages in Karnataka

Learn about how the Asan menstrual cup has changed the lives of 8000 women in Karnataka.

How Asan is ending period poverty across 36 villages in Karnataka

Learn about how the Asan menstrual cup has changed the lives of 8000 women in Karnataka.

Environmental impact of period products - Asan India

Environmental impact of period products

Learn about how harmful the plastic in your period products really is.

Environmental impact of period products

Learn about how harmful the plastic in your period products really is.

How to insert a menstrual cup - Asan India

How to insert a menstrual cup

Your step-by-step guide to perfect insertion.

How to insert a menstrual cup

Your step-by-step guide to perfect insertion.